Study Proves: Compost Helps Fight Off Plant Diseases!
"A study commissioned by the Waste & Resources Action Plan (WRAP) looked at recent research into almost 50 types of disease affecting plants and concludes the evidence that compost made from garden or food waste helps suppress all manner of wilts, rots and turf disease is overwhelming." Read more...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Landfills contain more food and paper waste than diapers, styrofoam, and tires - combined.
- Our society recycles more and more each year. But due to rising personal consumption and overall population growth, total annual landfill waste is still increasing.
tips + faqs ::
General Composting FAQ's
- What is the difference between mulch and compost?
Only the degree of decomposition. Mulch contains partially broken down ingredients and the breakdown of materials is not yet completed. Compost is the final stage of decomposition and is homogenous and looks like a rich brown soil.
- Why mulch instead of compost?
Most gardeners want mulch not compost (soil) Mulch is simply added on top of the garden bed in a thick layer 10 - 30 cms. deep. This helps to retain the moisture in the soil and protect the surface roots of the plants. It discourages weed growth and is a source of food to attract worms.
- Why is my compost lumpy?
This usually happens when the bin has not been turned often enough. Tumble the bin every two or three days. As the contents fall from top to bottom they hit the breaker bar across the middle which helps to break up lumps. Remedy the problem by adding shredded newspaper or empty the bin and dig into the garden and start again.
- Why is my compost wet and heavy?
Vegetable scraps have a high proportion of water. If you have used more than about 25% in proportion to grass cuttings, this may be the problem. Fix it by adding shredded newspaper. Alternatively empty the bin and dig it into your garden and start again.
- Why does my compost smell?
A foul smell indicates that anaerobic decomposition (without oxygen)is taking place. It can be caused by not tumbling sufficiently and aerating the ingredients. Or it may be due to too much moisture (see previous question) or it may be a combination of both. In some cases it may be due to not putting the compost bin in a sunny position. Heat is an important part of the decomposition process. The only remedy is to empty the contents and start again.
- Why is my compost hot?
This is not a problem. Heat is required for decomposition and it indicates that your compost is "cooking" beautifully!
Sunmar Composters
- Rotate the drum regularly
- Add moistureb
- Keep the composter warm (the sun usually does the job)
- For the richest result, mix kitchen waste, yard waste, and brown waste (sawdust, dry leaves, straw)
Green Cone No-Turn Composter
- Is the Green Cone System easy to use?
Yes, very. In your kitchen, fill the Green Cone caddy or other transport bucket with all your organic kitchen waste. When convenient, empty the caddy into the Green Cone in your garden.
- Can I use chemical activators as well?
No. Chemicals can kill or disrupt the bacteria breaking down the food waste. The only activator that is recommended for use is the all-natural Green Cone Accelerator Powder.
- Where should I install the Green Cone?
The ideal location for the Green Cone is a sunny, close-at-hand spot like a flowerbed or vegetable garden. For best results, avoid cold, dark, wet places in the yard.
- More Green Cone FAQ's...
Compostio Composters

- What is a worm farm?
A worm farm is like a potted plant, only without the plant. It’s a large container filled with soil, with drainage holes in the bottom and a lid to keep out the rain. Living in the soil are several hundred worms.
- Kitchen scraps (teabags, potato peelings, eggshells and so on) are put in the top, and the worms convert this into nutrient-rich fertilizer. These can then be added to your vegetable garden, and the process starts again.
Can-O-Worms FAQ's
manuals + info ::
Sunmar Composters
Green Cone No-Turn Composter
Compostio Composters
composting in education
- Are you an educator? We can help you bring composting into to your school curriculum.
more info...
- Greenfox Schools is an environmental consultant providing solutions to help schools go green. Greenfox meets directly with a school to perform an audit, then writes a report specific to the school’s needs. more info...
Industrial Compost Consulting