#1 worm composter in the world
Patented, award-winning multi-level design
Taps into the organic market
Made from 100% recycled material
Why customers buy the CAN-O-WORMS™
Easy to assemble and maintain
Can be used year-round
Why customers want worm tea and castings
Improves soil structure, aeration and water retention
Contributes to soil fertility and healthy root development
Increases organic content of the soil
Why the CAN-O-WORMS™ is good for the environment
Turns food waste into a resource
Conserves limited landfill space
Recycles nutrients
Worm tea and castings are renewable resources
The Can-O-Worms worm farm is user friendly, easy to operate and fun for all ages. It is so versatile that it can be left on a balcony or in a laundry for apartment dwellers, in a shed or in a shaded outdoor location for those with a yard.
For keen fishermen the unit will breed up to 20,000 bait worms which are easily removed from the top!
- Easy harvesting of castings (worm poo).
- Worms eat their way up leaving their rich castings behind, readily removed, free of worms.
- Liquid fertiliser is also produced and dispensed through a tap.
- Fly and pest proof.
- The Can-O-Worms stands on five sturdy legs.
- Made from 100% recycled plastic.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The Can-O-Worms will reduce the amount of garbage that is put out in the trash can each week and the fertilizer it produces is great for the garden. You’ll end up with :
- More - and tastier - food
- More vibrant flower gardens
- Healthier plants
- Reduced waste
Compare our Composters
(prices include shipping)
1000 Worms |
$55.00 |
2000 Worms |
$67.00 |
3000 Worms |
$85.00 |
Organic Unwrapped Bedding Block (Box of 6)
$52.00 |
Extra/Replacement Working Tray
$65.00 |
Replacement Spigot
$24.00 |
Replacement Lid
$57.00 |
Replacement Collector (bottom) Tray
$67.00 |
Replacement Legs
$63.00 |
The Can-O-Worms worm farm consists of the following parts:
- A ‘Collector Tray’ - the one with the leg spaces, centre mound & tap hole underneath.
- Three ‘Working Trays’ - these are the ones with the mesh bases and are interchangeable.
- One lid.
- One plastic tap and a nut.
- Five legs which clip in to the Collector Tray
as a stand for the system.
- One worm bedding block
- Comprehensive Instruction Manual.
- Cardboard display (this will be used again later)
- 29" tall x 20" wide
- 5 year warranty
Which Worms To Use?
There are thousands of species of earthworms worldwide, all of which feed on some form of organic matter but their preferences and habitats differ. Worms can be divided into two broad categories depending on those preferences:
Composters - There are only a few species of these, mainly ‘Tigers’ and ‘Reds’ and 'Dendras'. They live and breed happily in an organic rich environment like a Can-O-Worms. You can purchase new red composting worms from PPM.
Earthworkers - These are the many others which prefer to live in a less controlled environment. They will not thrive in food wastes but prefer soil and humus as their basic diet.
It is important to make sure you use only composters in your Can-O-Worms since earthworkers will not do well. Conversely you shouldn’t add composters to your soil as they are not likely to survive when the soil dries (the exception to this is a heavily mulched garden).
The compost worms in your Can-O-Worms will produce worm manure called castings which can be used in your garden as a soil improver.
Assembly, Brochure and FAQ Downloads
- The Can-O-Worms worm farm comes with a five (5) year warranty on materials and workmanship.