Weight |
15.2 pounds |
35 pounds |
22 pounds |
13.1 pounds |
N/A |
Type |
Rotating drum |
Green Cone - recycled plastic |
Large Bin - durable plastic (last 10 yrs or more) |
Large round containter with layered trays + a collector tray |
Compost Pail, with filter |
How it Works |
Compost Material goes in the top and exits automatically out the end as the drum rotates |
Buried open basket allows aeration + breakdown with heat from the sun |
Unique venitlated, closed, hot composting system |
Large container filled with soil, with several hundred worms which eat their way up leaving rich castings behind + liquid fertiziler. |
Used for collecting compost in the kitchen then taking to your outdoor composter |
Tips |
- Rotate regularly
- add moisture if dry
- keep in sun for warmth
- choose a sunny spot w/ good drainage
- place in sunny spot
- empty basket of compost every 1-2 years
- add 8" of twigs for bottom layer for aeration
- garden + kitchen waste
- place among trees on soil or grass
- place in shaded outdoor location or basement
- moisten dry material before adding
- read instructions before adding manure
- Carbon filter keeps smells contained
- keep lid on when not filling
- can rinse or reuse filter
What to Add |
- kitchen waste
- yard waste
- sawdust, leaves, straw
- kitchen waste
- animal products like meat + fish
- garden + kitchen waste (2:1 ratio)
- add sawdust if only kitchen scraps
- food waste
- newspaper
- cardboard
- water
capacity |
50 gallon. |
7 cu. ft. |
depends on number of worms |
1 gallon |
Who uses |
hobby gardener w/ kitchen scraps + yard waste |
Avg. family of 4 |
avg. family of 5 |
avg. family |
avg. family |
size of unit |
31"h x 33"l x 24" |
27"h x 24"w x 11.5" |
38"h x 36"w x 21"top |
29"h x 20"w |
11"h x 7"w |
composting time |
about 1 year |
4-6 mths |
few months to get started, then continuous |
N/A |
need to stir or turn? |
turn |
no |
stir |
no |
N/A |
Options |
sun-mar 400: 100 gallon capacity |
compost boost + kitchen caddy included |
winter jacket |
worms |
replacement filters available |
compare all sumar models |
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